We will always explain to you the problem and how it impacts your business, possible fixes and our recommendation, We promise not to hold back and always be proactive. The success of your business is based on your staff being productive and we will advise you on how we can remove every roadblock More Info INCREASE
We Provide IT-Services
Hackers are in it for the money. Typically they are looking for targets with sensitive information like medical practices. They will then encrypt the data and take it offline so the business can’t get access to it. This cripples the business. Imagine a medical practice without any client records. More Info PROTECT YOUR
We Provide IT-Services
RELIABLE IT SUPPORT When something goes wrong on a business computer, productivity stops. Your number #1 priority is to get the problem fixed so that person can get back to work. Every minute they can’t work is a waste of time and money. At Netlogyx we have created a remote desktop support service to get you up and running ASAP. More Info We Provide IT-Services PROTECT YOUR DATA FROM ONLINE THREATS We provide tailored solutions for threat detection, network security, and data protection to keep your digital assets secure from evolving cyber threats. More Info Business Continuity Management Plan Protect Your Business From Server Failure Help Your Business To Continue To Trade In Event Of Catastrophic Server Failure. More Info



Our team can fix most of your desktop and server issues from our office so you are up and running faster


We monitor your IT systems 24/7 so we often know and/or fix your problems before you experience the symptoms

Business Continuity Management Plan

Protect your business from server failure help your business to continue to trade in event of catastrophic server failure

Scale Your IT without scaling the costs

The benefits of cloud computing is that you can scale your IT resources elastically. That means you can secure the right amount of IT resources right when they’re needed

Dear Business Owner

We understand your IT systems are the centre of your business.

If your system grinds to a halt, your business stops working. So we take on that urgency. We understand that if your IT systems are not working properly you can’t work, you can’t make money and you can’t survive. We care to the point that it becomes as essential to us as it is to you for your systems to get back up and running quickly.

Our clients enjoy working with us because:

  1. Someone will always available to answer the phone when you call
  2. If you are a client, a technical person will call you back immediately
  3. We can access our client’s computers remotely so we can fix issues very quickly
  4. We probably know there is a problem before our clients do because we are constantly monitoring their systems 24/7

If you want a reliable IT support company that cares as much as you do about your business then give us a call on 07 55201211.

IT Disaster Recovery Planning

Cyber security is a major concern for all internet users, especially with the increases in cyber attacks in recent months around Australia. Disaster recovery options need to be considered by all internet users because if and when disaster strikes it has the potential to cause data loss or allow other parties to gain access to all your details.

We are all vulnerable with recent cyber attacks crippling many networks in the government as well as in the private sector. Without adequate IT disaster recovery planning your data could all be lost or stolen.

Security breaches are a real threat, but so are other types of disasters such as theft, vandalism and fire as well as natural disasters such as storms, cyclones, flooding, pest attacks and human error. Therefore even with the best care and protection your computer system needs the best IT disaster recovery planning available.

Steps To Take For Your IT Disaster Planning

Implementing an adequate IT disaster plan involves an assessment of the risks your likely to face and the measures needed to ensure your data is stored safely and securely. The following ideas may help you in finding a solution that will ensure you important records and data is safe and also easily available to you should disaster strike.

Adequate Backup Services

Data backup is vital, you should consider at least two different locations for storing your data, such as relatively safe cloud based storage options. But Cloud base storage also needs a land based facility where they physically store the information. You can be sure these facilities take many precautions against possible danger to your data, but they are still vulnerable.

Always keep a copy of all your data on an encoded and separate, detachable storage device such as a memory card, memory stick or other suitable device you can use to easily and quickly update your stored data daily.

Keep a copy of sensitive data in a third safe location like a safety deposit box or if cloud based, one without any link to your IT networks

Conduct A Complete IT Asset Inventory

Often there will be an array of assets used under your IT management system including computers, servers, storage devices, networking switches, various app’s and semi-personal devices such as employee smart phones, tablets and laptops or any other devices that could link to your network.

Make a map of your full network so you know of each asset and where it’s physically located and which areas it’s linked to or its dependencies and who has access to them

Make A Total IT Risk Assessment

  1. Find out what if any threats there could be for any asset connected to any of your networks
  2. Ensure that all your data is protected by a need to know policy with encrypted access codes that are randomly generated and change frequently
  3. Consider what would happen if any point of your IT was breached or the data it held lost and how you could contain the breach or activate a disaster recovery protocol
  4. Consider equipment malfunction, power outages, theft or damage from accidents and how this could affect your IT security or your ability to function normally

Define Your Critical Data And IT Applications

Classify data in accordance with how critical it is to your business and its value in terms of replacement and the affects of its loss or being compromised to your business.

This will help you build an It disaster recovery planning regime that is easy to manage and implement in the event of a security breach, so you can return to normal in the shortest possible time, with the least amount of disruption.

Consult staff and business managers to determine which areas are vital for them to complete their roles and which areas are less critical. Some of your data may not affect your day to day business or efficiency, so can be deferred until more critical data is recovered or restored

Have Regular Cyber Audits

A cyber audit should be done by an outside company that specializes in conducting cyber audits on businesses to determine if your security measures are adequate to meet any likely threat.

The Australian Government has established a Cyber Security Intelligence Service to give you sensible recommendations on the steps to take for your own protection


Most internet applications send regular updates; these are often important security measures to block scammers and those attempting cyber crime through their sites

IT’s vital that anyone who has access to your network is adequately trained in the security measures you use and are aware of how to identify such things as phishing emails or other threats. Don’t take chances implement IT disaster planning recovery protocols today.

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Why Hire Netlogyx IT Support Services?

Finding the right tech support partner for your business is one of the more important decisions you will make. Your IT system is the single most important tool that your business requires to operate to its full potential. Netlogyx is at the top of the game for IT support services on the Gold Coast and this is why you should hire Netlogyx for your IT tech support.

We know that every business is different as is every IT problem. Remote access to your IT system will ensure that our technicians can fix your problem with a minimal downtime for your business. If the problem can’t be fixed remotely, we will have a technician onsite ASAP to save the day.

With over 30 years’ experience in the IT field our technicians have a broad knowledge across many systems, software, and platforms. You can trust your IT system to the team at Netlogyx, they will treat it as if it were their own.

Save your business the overhead of having a permanent IT department. Netlogyx is your on-call IT Department, don’t pay someone to sit in an office and wait for a problem. Netlogyx will fix problems on a need to basis and only charge accordingly.

Keep your business at the forefront of technology with Netlogyx. Our team only use the very latest technology and will ensure your system is updated to the very best version of software and hardware available.
No one business needs the same IT solution, Netlogyx will tailor the solution that works best for your business. There is no need for inclusions that won’t be used, Netlogyx are experts in defining exactly what solution will work for you. There are no band aid fixes with Netlogyx, they work with you to find the perfect long-term solution for your IT requirements. Our aim at Netlogyx is to make you swear by your IT not at it.
There is no point providing a solution to a client if they don’t understand the “how and why” of it. How the solution works – Netlogyx will provide training to ensure that you and your staff are across all aspects of the system and remember support is just a phone call away. Why they have picked the solution – Netlogyx will explain why the suggested IT solution is best for your business and the benefits it will provide your business. At Netlogyx we understand that not everyone is a computer scientist, and we will provide the right level of education and training for all your staff.


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