- March 9 2021
- Neil Frick
Choosing the best tech solutions for your company is easy when you have a trusted business providing you with your Gold Coast IT Solutions. Netlogyx has a team of experts with decades of experience in the field ready to take your company to the next level. Choosing the best tech solutions is an important step for many reasons, below we will give you our five top tips.
1. Analyse your business’s needs!
This is absolutely number 1 on the list for a reason. Choose your technology and be certain that it covers all the areas you require. The old “measure twice cut once” applies here, having a thorough understanding of your requirements will save some possible costly upgrades or replacement in the future. You may need some of the following –
• HR Management
• Order Tracking
• Database Management
• Accounting
Ensure the software package you decide fits your business for now and into the future, that leads us to point 2.

2. Updates and Scalability
Any solution you implement needs to have scalability, being able to grow with your business without any disruptions to the workflow is important. Seamlessly adding and removing users should be an easy and quick fix. Having solutions that are constantly being reviewed and updated to ensure that are on the cutting edge of technology could be the point of difference between you and your competitors.
3. Tech Support
Ok so things will go wrong, no software or solution is fool proof and believe it or not occasionally user error will occur. With the right tech support available provided problems that arise will be fixed usually before it has any chance to have any adverse effects on your business. Good Tech support won’t just be there when the chips are down, they will also train you and your staff and make your transition a smooth one. 24 hour help lines, field technicians and warranty periods are all necessities when it comes to tech support.
4. Security
Protecting your company’s data must be the most important requirement of any new tech solution. Financial and employee information are sacred and having the right security in place will give you peace of mind. The digital world is a cruel mistress and unless you protect yourself it will bite you and bite hard. For every honest IT expert there is two dodgy ones just waiting for you to leave a crack in your digital door.
5. Get the right advice.
Running your business is hard and you can’t be expected to be across everything all of the time. Seeking the right advice from experts in the field is a great start. Netlogyx has been providing Gold Coast IT Solutions since the birth of the Internet. Putting your trust in the team at Netlogyx will be the best decision you make for your business and will ensure its future success. Take all the guesswork out of your tech solutions and talk to the team at Netlogyx for all your IT Solutions on the Gold Coast.