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  • August 27 2020
  • Neil Frick

Where You Can Get Best PC Repair Services In Gold Coast

Most businesses are now relying on internet marketing to bring in new customers as well as provide the best service possible to their existing customers. This means they are totally dependent on having a fully operational IT service both for their internal and external activities. It’s imperative businesses now have access to a high quality and reliable full backup IT service when things go wrong or if you need a PC repair service on the Gold Coast you can get these solved by Netlogyx IT. Netlogyx IT Services has been looking after business and home IT systems for more than a decade with a friendly, personalized cost effective and reliable service. We offer a full 24/7 IT repair service for all your internet marketing and IT needs from networking to purchasing computers and any related equipment. At Netlogyxit we understand that when your IT systems are down or not working properly, you can’t work properly and are potentially losing customers and money, so need to be back and running at full capacity ASAP. To make sure you have the very best IT networking and PC repair system available on the Gold Coast we have developed a remote repair and monitoring system called Remote Desk. What this means for you is we can fix most IT repairs remotely and: • We will always have someone available to talk with you by phone about any PC related problems whenever you need one 24/7 • Our clients receive immediate technical support 24/7 • We can remotely access our client’s computer system to quickly fix issues at any time • Having our prearranged network monitoring system means we are constantly remotely checking your system and can locate and remedy problems often before our clients know they have them. (Then notify them what the problem was and what we did to fix it) • We offer data protection and recovery service   We can solve all your IT networking and PC issues including • Slow networking and computer uploading or downloading problems • Virus protection and elimination • App problems and appropriate solutions • Smart phone problems and repairs • Lost files and hard-drive problems • Data backup and storage problems • Hardware problems, including copiers, printers, laptops and tablets • Predictive failure where we closely monitor the individual components of your whole It system so we can predict when things are likely to break down and take preventative measures • Configuring apps and programs appropriately for your business and individual needs If it’s a computer or networking problem and we can’t fix it, then it means it can’t be fixed. We also supply the latest and most innovative computer and hardware systems and equipment now available at realistic prices. The internet is an organic structure that’s always growing and changing, at Netlogyxit services we actively review reports and issues so are able to make positive and helpful suggestions on improving and streamlining your IT system to help make your business more efficient and cost effective. Proper and effective communication is vital for all businesses today. The backbone of your business is your IT system, having Netlogyxit services looking after all your IT networking and PC repairs on the Gold Coast means you are totally protected 24/7. We offer the very best service for all your IT networking needs.

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  • August 22 2020
  • Neil Frick

What Is The Importance Of A Business Continuity Plan?

All businesses today, regardless of their size or location need to have a viable business continuity plan so they are able to face and deal with any challenge that comes along. There are many potential risk factors involved in business from natural disasters and accidents to human error and dishonesty, theft and vandalism as well as internet malfunctions and cyber crime. Many of these may cause a major setback or total ruination if a business doesn’t have a well thought and actionable business continuity plan. The difference between being down for a few hours, a couple of days, weeks or months can often come down to how well you have planned and your business continuity strategy. The following are some reasons for the importance of a business continuity plan: A Complete Inventory One of the first thing you need to do when developing your business continuity plan is to make a map of all your assets and resources so you can understand the ways they may be compromised or disrupted. • You need a comprehensive plan of your whole operation, including all the people who work for you, contractors and employees. All the equipment you use and properties you own or utilize. • Your computer network and contacts • A full list of all your stock on hand and any out on jobs or ordered and not yet received, etcetera. This is essential so you have a realistic idea of where you are right now and your strengths as well as weaknesses allowing you to plan an effective continuity plan. Analyze any threats Now you have a list of all your assets and essential elements that make up your operation. You need to find all the risk factors you could face, from half you key workforce being sick with the flu or being poached by your competitors’. Consider natural disasters such as fire, flooding earthquakes, political anarchy, cyber attacks or malware effectively compromising your IT. What would do if a major contract you were working on went broke and could not pay you? You have a major data breach or are facing legal action, a major change in the law affecting your working conditions. There is a whole range of people who are qualified and equipped to help you calculate, plan for risks and develop a continuity plan. These include accountants, insurers, business coaches, and technical support providers/ Some risks are very unlikely, while others are almost guaranteed to happen at some stage, but having a workable business, you are likely to be one of the few survivors in the event that the unthinkable happens. Plan for the worst and be ready, but hoping for the best is a policy that will ensure if things go wrong, you will have a contingency plan to make sure that you are able to cope with and eventually recover from setbacks and things beyond your control, even in the worst scenario. At the very least, making a business continuity plan will help you see areas of your business operation where you can make improvements to reduce the likely hood of unforeseen circumstances that could compromise or harm your business. It’s a chance to streamline existing business operations and place any necessary safeguards to protect your future business interests.

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  • August 18 2020
  • Neil Frick

The Dark Web Explained

The ‘dark web’ is a section of the Internet that, unlike the surface web, is not accessible via standard search engines. • If users wish to visit the dark web, they must use specialised browsers, such as Tor or I2P, which enable anonymous communication through encryption. • Because of this focus on protecting users’ identities, the dark web has become a hotbed for crime and illegal material. For example, a 2016 study carried out by King’s College London found that over 55% of the material available on the dark web is considered illegal. • For those looking to buy & sell a wide range of illegal drugs and weapons, or for fraudsters out selling stolen accounts and hacking software, the dark web serves as an ideal marketplace. Users’ identities remain hidden and transactions (usually carried out in cryptocurrency) are incredibly difficult to trace. • Something to also be aware of is the difference between the dark web & the deep web, as the two terms are often confused. Whilst the deep web is also hidden from standard search engine results and protected by encryption, it is largely filled with sites used to store information (eg. people’s email accounts, company intranets & databases etc.). Want to know more about how you can secure your Business and Train your  Staff click the following link to organise an appointment with Neil See Video below for more information…

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  • March 27 2020
  • Neil Frick

A Comprehensive Guide To Business Continuity Planning

Having your business ready with continuity or business plans in the event of an emergency is imperative for your overall survival. There’s no single approach that fits all situations, but these three questions  you can ask yourself, will help cover you for most eventualities you’re likely to encounter: What could go wrong? Your risk assessment Disasters and emergencies can occur in many ways, from bush fires and arson attacks, floods, cyclones, earthquakes and tidal waves to simple power outages, network disruptions, computer viruses to burglary or sickness of key employees. It’s important to have a proper plan to deal with all these: • Is your building fireproof? • Are you vulnerable to a bushfire? • Do you have adequate fire prevention equipment and training for your staff? • Are you exposed to high tides or flooding? • Are you affected by cyclones or tornados? If something goes wrong, how will your business be affected? Having a plan in the event of natural disasters will help you cope with them and resume business afterward, should they arise. Do you have adequate backup plans and insurance cover? Will your business survive a natural or economic disaster? What will you do to ensure your business continuity during the following risks? • Economic Risk With today’s constantly changing economy, it’ important you operate your business with as lean a budget as possible and reduce your overheads so you can cope with changing economic cycles • Compliance Risks There are many rules and regulations that you will need to comply with and they’re constantly being changed and added to, so you need to stay up to date and be 100% compliant or risk heavy fines or closure • Diversify Your Income Streams With only a few income streams your financial risk is high, if you lose one or more contracts or some of the products you sell are no longer in demand • Security and Fraud Risk Being online can place the unwary in the path of cyber criminals especially when you shared data and financial details. This can lose your company’s reputation and trust as well as make you financially liable for losses • Financial Risk All business involves some type of financial risk, the higher the profits, often, the higher the risks involved. Minimize the credit you extend to others and the amount you own so your stronger financial position • Reputation Risk In business, you’re putting your reputation on the line, product failure or unhappy customers can impact on your business, brand or reputation, so you need to always provide quality service and products and stand by them to address concerns and reduce negativity quickly and in a positive “can do” fashion • Operational Risks Business continuity can be lost from external or internal sources as well as a combination of different factors. Whether it’s a possible process or people failure, these potential risks need to be addressed with adequate training and a proper business plan installed In the event of a disaster, whether natural or caused by financial situations, product failures or a downturn in the economy you need to take measures to ensure business continuity after the event and your continued survival. Making a proper business plan that covers any foreseeable circumstances is vital for all businesses with today’s erratic economy and uncertainty with viruses.

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  • March 21 2020
  • Neil Frick

How Managed IT Services Add Value In A Successful Business

Information technology has become a fundamental part of almost all modern businesses. IT systems have now become so complex that managing them and addressing the day to day technology needs can be a struggle. Partnering with a Managed IT Service on the Gold Coast can help tremendously towards the success of any business. Some of the ways a Managed IT Service on the Gold Coast can add value to your business are: Cost Advantage and Savings The digital transformation journey for many businesses is a financial nightmare. Not only is a lot of the required equipment expensive in the first place, but updating or upgrading it so you can embrace the latest technologies is also expensive. Much of the software needed is an ongoing cost that can be prohibitive for many small businesses and finding staff that are properly trained and able to adequately use and maintain your IT system is almost impossible. By not being able to take advantage of the latest technologies for your business can mean you’re losing sales and your business growth is being stifled. When you partner with a Gold Coast IT managed service team you gain the freedom of • Not having to deal with IT issues internally • Not having to worry about updating equipment • Access to the latest apps for your needs • Being able to budget office expenses with fixed IT costs • Efficiency monitoring services and overall security • Being better able to meet customer needs and services • Reduced downtime and no repair expenses • Service centralization to allow for remote access and branch operations • Secure data storage, safer transactions and faster communication • Gaining access to a complete team of IT experts • The ability to instantly increase or decrease your IT needs as your business grown or contracts • Utilizing your current staff and technical resources so they can focus on critical business functions, not management and network issues • Implementation of a continuous improvement strategy designed to streamline your business operation and customer relations Partnering with a Managed IT Service on the Gold Coast gives you a high level of proactive protection and support for all your IT requirements. They will look for ways to increase your business efficiency while keeping your total IT cost within your specified monthly budget. They can solve office space issues by utilizing the cloud for storage and reducing in house staff levels. With their reliability and availability they can make the difference between having a fast first class business or losing business to the competition with a better IT infrastructure Your Managed IT Company on the Gold Coast understands about security from the technology and legislative perspective so you are covered with all the necessary government regulations and requirements are taken care of within your agreement Cost Savings For many companies having a managed IT service represents a huge saving in overheads and labour costs. Couple this with the peace of mind you get from having all your IT managed competently on the Gold Coast by an expert team, it’s a winning combination. Partnering with a managed IT service on the Gold Coast is a brilliant, cost effective business strategy that allows you to get the best value from your resources and grow your business without straining the budget.

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  • February 28 2020
  • Neil Frick

Top Tips To Find The Right PC Repair Service Provider

Today’s the age of the computer, almost everyone has at least one personal computer and many have a variety of different types from a desktop to tablets and smart phones. Sometimes it feels like the computers are taking over, but in reality, they are only tools, glorified adding machines that deal with sorting information through codes and numbers at super high speeds. Almost every aspect of our lives now depends on computers and they are a crucial part of our daily life, but when they malfunction and you need a good PC repair service provider on the Gold Coast there are some steps you need to follow to locate the right one for you: When should you locate the right PC repair service provider? Many people do not consider the services of a PC repair provider on the Gold Coast when all their equipment is working well, but this is the best time to find one. When your system fails you then it’s a panic to find anyone who may be able to help you. The problem with this approach is that those then available to help you are most likely not to be the best or most qualified. How to find the right PC repair service provider for you The best way is word of mouth, but not their mouth; any wire jockey can tell you they are the best. But when it comes from their satisfied customers, then it’s believable and reliable. Ask your friends, coworkers and relations who they turn to when they have computer problems, some if not all of them will have needed a reliable technician to service or repair their computer equipment at some time. When you have a few different possibilities, check each one further to gauge their suitability for your requirements. Search Online A great PC repair technician will probably not also be a webmaster, but they should be able to create an easy to find presence on local social media or local SEO so they are very visible in the local search engine results as well as using Google My Business to have their business showing on Google maps. There are usually great reviews and comments from satisfied customers to view as well as links to their websites. Background Checks When on their website you can find out if they have been in business for a while or are they a startup with limited experience. Do they offer an all-round service or do they specialise in one area such as MAC/ Apple. Some technicians specialise in fixing laptops while other’ concentrate on things like infection and malware removal, others provide remote PC assistance. Will they come to you or do you have to take your whole system to their shop. Choosing a company or individual that is able to offer you the full range of services you need means you don’t have to go through this type of search again. Although they may not be able to fix every problem, they will have specialist associated so you will be covered for any eventuality. Finding the right PC repair specialist on the Gold Coast is best done through word of mouth, ask all everyone you know and these Google local search.

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  • February 17 2020
  • Neil Frick

How A Network Security Audit Helps Your Business

With almost all businesses now relying heavily on the internet and their computer systems, having a good, competent computer support service on the Gold Coast is imperative. Regular security audits help to reduce the ever present threat of cybercrime and other security breaches that have the potential of damaging a company’s business competitiveness, resources and public trust. These are some of the ways a security audit can help your business • Evaluation of data flow within your business A network security audit will look at the type of information going in and out of your business as well as who has access to it and what security measures are in place. It will ensure all your data is safe, can’t be stolen, lost, mishandled or misused, removing any potential for legal disputes with any parties • Identifying vulnerable areas and problems An audit will identify any potential problem areas in your system or operating methods. This includes checking your hardware and software configurations and ensuring they are working at optimum levels • Identifies problems in security, both internally and externally The audit starts with a pre-audit to check of all relevant documentation from earlier audits and then follows on to current policies and procedures. His enables your whole network and the business to be analyzed and tested for vulnerabilities and necessary improvements. Gives a clear and precise documentation of everything discovered and checked • Gives recommendations on how to use and leverage the technological information gained from your business security It’s important that your security system matches all of the security challenges your business could face as well as educating all users on how to efficiently and accurately implement any new recommendations. This means you are not wasting valuable reserves and time on irrelevant and outdated or inferior security measures. Sets up any necessary firewalls and encrypted codes to safeguard and protect all sensitive data links, personal, employee and customer records and  information. The audit will highlight areas of importance and improve the quality of your security for both internal and external networks, including systems used by employee’s at work, in transit or at home such as linked laptops, tablets and phones. Ensures you are compliant with all government and local body licenses, permits, rules and regulations. Your IT network security audit will deliver to you an in depth analysis covering all your IT systems with an easy to understand, detailed, list of all their findings. It will also inform you of any required additional programs you need to introduce and areas that have become obsolete or redundant because of system changes or new technologies. Your IT support company on the Gold Coast will provide a security audit to give you a strategic advantage over other businesses in your area by showing all your suppliers and customers that your company is totally safe and reliable for them to use. Having a network security audit will highlight any areas that may be a potential security breach and offers cost effective and reliable solutions. It will ensure your company’s compliant with all government and local body requirements and give you a comprehensive, but easy to understand written report about the condition of your hardware and software applications with suggestions or the most practical way to improve your network.

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  • January 26 2020
  • Neil Frick

Top Tips For Solving IT Problems Before They Impact Productivity

IT issues can hinder your business’s ability to perform at optimum levels. By engaging the services of tech support services on the Gold Coast you can help to solve most IT problems before they impact on your company’s productivity. IT issues can range from being inconvenient to very frustrating, to disruptive, especially when you have tight deadlines to meet. These tips will help solve some of the common IT problems found in even the most well organised office environments: • Conduct Training Sessions Technology is advancing rapidly and in most workplaces, especially with workers who were around before the computer age or those who aren’t trained in computer troubleshooting, it can be very difficult to cope with IT Problems. To help overcome this, simple regular training sessions which identify some of the more common IT issues peculiar to your office environment can alleviate many of the problems and assist in bridging the knowledge gap between generations and technological advances. Ask your IT tech support service provider on the Gold Coast to help in advising your employees on the correct operation and user service options of all the equipment they are using. • Promote an Office Culture Of Promptly Reporting Issues IT issues can be stressful for all office workers and removing any stigmas or feelings of discomfort from workers because of their inability to cope with IT issues is vital for office harmony and to get the optimum abilities from your team. Reporting IT issues and getting tech support as required on the Gold Coast will ensure time and effort is not wasted and a high level of efficiency is maintained. • Replace Old or Outdated Equipment It really is false economy to try and keep using old or outdated equipment. Most modern office equipment can be updated without needing to be replaced, but it’s often more efficient to utilize the latest innovations to stay ahead of your competition, especially if the old equipment you have is causing IT issues for your employees. • Hire Skilled IT tech support on The Gold Coast Unless your field is in IT support it’s usually better and more cost effective to have professional tech support services on the Gold Coast sort out your IT issues. Having someone tinkering with IT equipment that is an unskilled personal can inadvertently result in more serious can costly problems. When employing new personal it’s often worth looking at prospective employee’s computer literacy levels or ask them to undergo proper training to ensure they are compatible with the type of IT equipment and systems they will need to use. This will avoid many of the common IT issues experienced in the workplace. Taking sensible steps to address workplace IT issues and working together with a professional tech support company on the Gold Coast is the best way to address IT issues before they start to impact on your business’s productivity. Having all of your employee’s taking part in regular training and IT equipment update sessions will ensure that most everyday IT issues are resolved quickly and efficiently. Ensuring your office is equipped with the best IT equipment such as hardware and suitable software for your particular needs will reduce the instances of IT issues and kept them to a minimum level.

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  • January 21 2020
  • Neil Frick

How Password Changing At Frequent Intervals Helps In Maintaining Network Security

There are a lot of people suggest it’s just too much hassle and it’s really not necessary to change passwords regularly. When you consider just how much of your valuable information is stored on your computer, not to mention information that has been given to you on the understanding that you will keep it safe and secure, it becomes important to do everything to keep it secure. Changing passwords is not that big a drama; in fact, it can be very easy, if you use an app designed to generate randomly selected passwords for you. Talk with the guys at Gold Coast IT Solutions about how to get the most secure password generating app for you and your staff’s computers and IT devices. It has been suggested that up to 80 percent of cyber attacks are directly related to having weak passwords or ones that have been stolen. Just changing your password regularly will reduce your risk of being caught out by cyber criminals who are actively trying to get hold of your password Some Major Benefits of Changing Your Passwords Frequently • Limits breaches to Your Accounts Not only is it vital to change your password frequently, it’s vital to have different passwords for every application. Many people have a password that is easy for them to remember they might use a pet’s name or the name of their first car thinking these would be hard for someone to figure out. Then they add, say a number to that password for the next password. Your password may be Holden Kingswood and the next password is Kingswood2 or o2, some people have the exact same password for everything. The problem with this is if discovered, all your devices and computers are able to be hacked and you could lose all your data, have your bank accounts emptied and credit cards maxed out. Cyber criminals use high tech algorithms similar to search engines to run find passwords. They use combinations of words, names, numbers and information about you. The only way that you can avoid them is to have a completely random password and this should be unique to each application and never shared. If you wish someone else to access your app, then have a separate password for them • Prevents Constant or Repeat Access Once a hacker gets your password they may just make very small changes to your system that you don’t at first notice and start a progressive defrauding campaign or they may make a grab for everything at once. Often a hacker once they have your password will keep coming back, so changing your password stops them and reduces the chances of them regaining access • Stops the Use of Saved Passwords If you use more than one computer or change computers, frequently changing your passwords means all old passwords are useless • Stop Keystroke Hacking Keystroke logger surveillance technology records keystrokes when someone logs in to steal passwords. By regularly changing passwords any of them obtained by this method will not be useful for long. Changing your passwords at regularly is important for maintaining your security, the guys at Gold Coast IT Solution will help you find a very cost effective random password selecting app for networking security.

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  • January 21 2020
  • Neil Frick

How password changing at frequent intervals helps in maintaining network security

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