- August 27 2020
- Neil Frick
Most businesses are now relying on internet marketing to bring in new customers as well as provide the best service possible to their existing customers. This means they are totally dependent on having a fully operational IT service both for their internal and external activities. It’s imperative businesses now have access to a high quality and reliable full backup IT service when things go wrong or if you need a PC repair service on the Gold Coast you can get these solved by Netlogyx IT.
Netlogyx IT Services has been looking after business and home IT systems for more than a decade with a friendly, personalized cost effective and reliable service. We offer a full 24/7 IT repair service for all your internet marketing and IT needs from networking to purchasing computers and any related equipment.
At Netlogyxit we understand that when your IT systems are down or not working properly, you can’t work properly and are potentially losing customers and money, so need to be back and running at full capacity ASAP.

To make sure you have the very best IT networking and PC repair system available on the Gold Coast we have developed a remote repair and monitoring system called Remote Desk.
What this means for you is we can fix most IT repairs remotely and:
• We will always have someone available to talk with you by phone about any PC related problems whenever you need one 24/7
• Our clients receive immediate technical support 24/7
• We can remotely access our client’s computer system to quickly fix issues at any time
• Having our prearranged network monitoring system means we are constantly remotely checking your system and can locate and remedy problems often before our clients know they have them. (Then notify them what the problem was and what we did to fix it)
• We offer data protection and recovery service
We can solve all your IT networking and PC issues including
• Slow networking and computer uploading or downloading problems
• Virus protection and elimination
• App problems and appropriate solutions
• Smart phone problems and repairs
• Lost files and hard-drive problems
• Data backup and storage problems
• Hardware problems, including copiers, printers, laptops and tablets
• Predictive failure where we closely monitor the individual components of your whole It system so we can predict when things are likely to break down and take preventative measures
• Configuring apps and programs appropriately for your business and individual needs
If it’s a computer or networking problem and we can’t fix it, then it means it can’t be fixed.
We also supply the latest and most innovative computer and hardware systems and equipment now available at realistic prices. The internet is an organic structure that’s always growing and changing, at Netlogyxit services we actively review reports and issues so are able to make positive and helpful suggestions on improving and streamlining your IT system to help make your business more efficient and cost effective.
Proper and effective communication is vital for all businesses today. The backbone of your business is your IT system, having Netlogyxit services looking after all your IT networking and PC repairs on the Gold Coast means you are totally protected 24/7. We offer the very best service for all your IT networking needs.