How to Test Your Business Continuity Plan and Ensure Its Effectiveness
No business wants to experience a major crisis that can cause disruption or worse, complete failure. In today’s ever-connected world, issues may arise from both external and internal sources. To prepare for these risks, businesses must have an effective business continuity plan in place. This plan should be tested regularly to ensure its effectiveness in the event of a crisis. It is important that all employees are involved in the testing process as they will be the ones carrying out the plans if necessary. Companies need to ensure that their business continuity plans remain up to date with newly implemented processes, systems and technologies so that they are equipped to act quickly if needed. One way to test your business continuity plan is through simulations. Businesses can design activities that simulate various events such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks or supply chain disruptions. Employees can then assess their ability to respond appropriately and identify any areas where processes need improvement. It also allows them to become familiar with the steps they need to take in order to effectively implement the contingency plan. Conducting performance tests on existing infrastructure is another important step when assessing a company’s readiness for potential crises. This includes testing the availability of service providers such as internet connections and telecommunications systems, as well as servers and networks used by the organisation. If there’s a delay or malfunction it can be fixed before it becomes an issue during an actual crisis situation when time is limited. Businesses should also consider conducting tabletop exercises which involve having employees discuss how they would react in certain scenarios and how procedures would work in different situations – hypothesising potential obstacles along the way and determining solutions accordingly. Through these exercises, companies can determine what works best for their specific environment ensuring greater success should something arise unexpectedly. Whilst there are many ways companies can assess their preparedness for any situation, risk assessments should form part of these efforts too since they often reveal vulnerabilities that weren’t previously considered during simulations or performance tests alone – this can include legal implications related to data privacy laws or workplace safety regulations which must be taken into account when responding effectively during a crisis where time is limited. To ensure further success after implementing changes suggested by simulations, performance tests, tabletop exercises or risk assessments business continuity plans should also be reviewed periodically so that any new processes are covered by existing plans and employees remain familiar with protocols in case of emergency situations.. Ultimately this gives businesses confidence knowing that they will survive almost anything life throws their way! Many organisations don’t have adequate provisions for possible business disruptions due to a lack of resources or understanding of best practices – but those who do?! They tend to experience much less downtime while facing fewer financial losses overall – it pays off to prepare! NetlogyxIT helps businesses across Australia develop customised disaster recovery solutions tailored to their needs so contact us today for more information about how we can help protect your organisation!
Read MoreWhy You Should Test Your Business Continuity Plan
Disaster can strike at any moment, and when it does it’s crucial to have a backup plan or a Business Continuity Plan that allows your business to continue operating as if it’s just another day. This means having the right infrastructure in place so you’re always up-to-date on information for those times when disaster strikes or something goes wrong with your IT systems like cyber terrorism, human error or power outages. You will be able to keep operating and serving customers without interruption if these are taken care of beforehand – but make sure not just anyone is doing this work! Your Business Continuity Plan must be tested to check its efficiency. There are various methods for testing your continuity plan, which varies depending on the type of business and resources available as well as other factors such as location, suppliers, customers or employees. For example: If you’re a small organization with few staff members then an informal test may suffice (such as sending internal emails) but it is still important that this process is first tested before any disaster strikes so everyone knows what they should do to keep things running smoothly without wasting time figuring out how best to respond if their own computer networks fail. A company whose offices have been relocated can also set up remote backups by emailing files from one office laptop directly into another’s inbox in the case of an emergency such as a fire. This way, both staff can continue working from home and getting tasks completed. A formal test should be conducted at least once a year and is more suited to larger organizations, that have trouble-shooters in place, that will handle continuity testing issues efficiently. Take into account if you are using third-party suppliers or vendors who have their own disaster recovery plans you will also need to consider how they can be used in place of your usual services if that is required. A true test of your Business Continuity Plan will involve the cessation of normal daily operations, without warning, and everyone involved should know exactly what they should do when this happens (including employees) so your business doesn’t suffer because of a lack of communication during an event. You may rely on software programs for testing your Business Continuity Plan, which may not require you to shut down your system for the test; instead, it would provide diagnostic procedures that can be used by IT staff members to quickly identify trouble areas and potential problems. There are two types of testing: internal and external. An internal test is done to ensure that backups are functioning as they should be, while an external test is designed to assess how suppliers will function during a disaster situation. This testing should be performed at least twice a year under normal conditions and more frequently in periods of high stress or increased business activity. Testing of your continuity plan should include all employees who have been trained for their assigned tasks, vendors and any other parties involved with the day-to-day operations of your business so there is no confusion during crises. The importance of a Business Continuity Plan for your business cannot be understated and the team at Netlogyx are experts in the field and can provide you with the right advice for your situation.
Read MoreHow Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Are Related
Hoping for the best but preparing for the worst is never more relevant than in your business IT solution. If you have done some research into worst case scenarios then you would have heard the terms, business continuity and disaster recovery and although it may seem like they are the same thing, they are not. They are however related, and your business most definitely needs to have both plans in place. What is Business Continuity In laymans terms Business Continuity is a plan that your business will have in place to ensure that if anything were to go wrong that you would be able to function as normal. It would mean that if there was a disruption you would still be able to have continuity of production and service that you provide. A checklist of important things to consider for your inclusion in your business continuity plan are – • Locations of Backups on and offsite • Key Personnel • Case Studies (War Stories) • Plan for maintaining operations Your business continuity plan should incorporate all relevant important information so that staff can return operations to your business as soon as possible. What is Disaster Recovery Your businesses data is your single most important asset and if you lose it for good, it will take a long time to recover from that. A Disaster Recovery Plan is an essential part of your Business Continuity Plan and ne that will ensure that your business recovers quickly and successfully. Backing up your data is a major part of your road to recovery; you should be thinking of these things – • Back up everything • Implement an implemental backup solution • Constant testing of back ups • Protection for your back ups So, as you can see that whilst both Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery are not the same thing, they are related to each other and definitely are both required for your business. Getting the right advice regarding these solutions will go a long way to making what would already be a stressful situation a little easier to deal with. There are many software solutions available in this area and the team at Netlogyx are more than happy to help your business develop a solid Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan for your business. It is smart business to put plans and procedures in place that plan for worst case scenarios, think of this as an insurance premium for your businesses data. You take out the insurance hoping that you will never have to use it but when disaster strikes you are so happy that you implemented it. Netlogyx are experts in their field and with local face to face and also online service options they are the perfect choice for your business. No problem is too small for the team at Netlogyx and there isn’t a problem so far that they haven’t been able to find a solution for.
Read MoreTop Things To Consider While Making A Business Continuity Plan
When making a business continuity plan, there are many aspects that you need to consider apart from just your solution for emergency situations, such as your customers, clients, employees, suppliers, creditors and the debts you owe. Disasters can strike at any time; natural calamities such as storms, typhoons, bushfires, floods, earthquakes and crises such as blackouts, IT failures and infiltrations, cybercrime and robberies can all be devastating, so a proper business continuity plan is essential. These are some things to consider when making your business continuity plan: • Critical Business Functions Identify all of the business processes and functions critical to your business operations on a day to day basis and try and determine in which order they come into importance of maintaining your business functionality as well as how they can mitigate the impact of a crisis Try and identify the result of the disruption or loss of each critical business function so you can priorities the order in which these need to be reinstalled • Essential Systems and Equipment Safeguarding on site computer systems, data storage and critical information is vital as the loss of these can impact business and client relations as well as affect productivity and pose cybersecurity risks. Identify all the other equipment that is crucial to your business such as irreplaceable software and special equipment • Different Potential Threats and Risks Forming your business continuity plan strategy involves looking at all the different possible risks or threats to your business, the area around your business and making different action plans for different scenarios and the effects they may have. • Is your business predisposed to robbery or security attacks? • Are you located in an area that could flood? • Are you in an Earthquake zone? • Are you exposed to typhoons or storms? • What would happen with a terrorist attack or bombing in your area? Emergency Contact Information During an emergency, it’s often too late to search for emergency numbers and directions so have all these details on hand in case of emergencies. • Disaster Recovery Teams Make sure you have an effective disaster recovery team that includes personal from all levels of your business and they are well trained for different emergency situations with clearly assigned roles and responsibilities that relate to their expertise and abilities • Emergency Drills When you have identified all potential threats all personal need to practice and be informed about what to do during a different disaster situation, from evacuation plans to turning off equipment • Data Back Up Planning All critical data should be backed up in a safe location, such as cloud storage where it can be accessed in the event of a system failure or emergency to ensure business continuity • Alternative Facilities In the event, you need to evacuate your premises have an alternative venue you can work from and arrangements for employees to work from home and the devices they can use. You need to assign an area as a safe rally point for everyone in your company and any guests so you can take account of everyone and take any appropriate action before, during and after a crisis or disaster. Having a well planned business continuity plan can not only make it easier for your business to recover after a disaster, but can help minimise any loss or danger to human life or property.
Read MoreWhy It Is Required To Have A Backup Of Your Server
It’s surprising how many people do not bother to backup their server on a regular basis. Although servers are reliable most of the time they are not fail proof. When you consider that all your data could be compromised of destroyed if you don’t have a backup of your server, it’s much better to be prepared for this type of problem as no one knows when disaster may strike. If you have a system failure, computer theft or a natural disaster such as fire or flooding your business could be crippled and once lost data is very hard to get back. These are the main reasons why it’s required that you backup your server • To prevent data loss If your server id damaged or lost for whatever reason the data may never be recovered. You will have lost vital information about your finances, your clients, your customers and suppliers • Data Migration You can save money and time as well as lowering the risk of data loss when transferring files from one computer system to another by using a backup server • Website protection Your website is your public online face, although your web provider will backup your server, you need to backup your whole website and web presence as if you have to restore your site and contents you may have to be off line for several days or more which risks losing customers and sales • Protect your Clients Data If you host a social media website or websites for clients you must backup your server daily, this not only protects your data, but your clients as well. It would be very bad for instilling trust and confidence in customers if you needed to ask for their data again because you failed to backup your server and plan for unforeseen accidents How to backup your server The two main types of server backup are having it done automatically using backup software and the other is manual. Both can be done onsite and or offsite. There are a range of backup software solution available online, some are free while others are a paid for service. The one you choose depends on the volume of data you need to backup and the frequency. Manual backups are more often used as a one off operation done at selected times an automatic server backup can be done on a specific schedule Data Storage When you make a backup for your server, you need to store the data. There are several options from using the cloud to a CD or memory stick. These have different costs, some are easier to use and some are more robust, so some thought is required on which is best for your needs. Most businesses will opt for onsite as well as offsite backup storage so all bases are covered in the event of disasters In most cases, a backup of your server should be made daily, once work is finished. If you have a small business and a low data input, then it could be weekly or monthly, but considering your data is the lifeblood of your business and making a backup could save it and it’s very inexpensive, unless you have a huge amount of data, it should be done as often as is practical.
Read MoreWhat Is The Importance Of A Business Continuity Plan?
All businesses today, regardless of their size or location need to have a viable business continuity plan so they are able to face and deal with any challenge that comes along. There are many potential risk factors involved in business from natural disasters and accidents to human error and dishonesty, theft and vandalism as well as internet malfunctions and cyber crime. Many of these may cause a major setback or total ruination if a business doesn’t have a well thought and actionable business continuity plan. The difference between being down for a few hours, a couple of days, weeks or months can often come down to how well you have planned and your business continuity strategy. The following are some reasons for the importance of a business continuity plan: A Complete Inventory One of the first thing you need to do when developing your business continuity plan is to make a map of all your assets and resources so you can understand the ways they may be compromised or disrupted. • You need a comprehensive plan of your whole operation, including all the people who work for you, contractors and employees. All the equipment you use and properties you own or utilize. • Your computer network and contacts • A full list of all your stock on hand and any out on jobs or ordered and not yet received, etcetera. This is essential so you have a realistic idea of where you are right now and your strengths as well as weaknesses allowing you to plan an effective continuity plan. Analyze any threats Now you have a list of all your assets and essential elements that make up your operation. You need to find all the risk factors you could face, from half you key workforce being sick with the flu or being poached by your competitors’. Consider natural disasters such as fire, flooding earthquakes, political anarchy, cyber attacks or malware effectively compromising your IT. What would do if a major contract you were working on went broke and could not pay you? You have a major data breach or are facing legal action, a major change in the law affecting your working conditions. There is a whole range of people who are qualified and equipped to help you calculate, plan for risks and develop a continuity plan. These include accountants, insurers, business coaches, and technical support providers/ Some risks are very unlikely, while others are almost guaranteed to happen at some stage, but having a workable business, you are likely to be one of the few survivors in the event that the unthinkable happens. Plan for the worst and be ready, but hoping for the best is a policy that will ensure if things go wrong, you will have a contingency plan to make sure that you are able to cope with and eventually recover from setbacks and things beyond your control, even in the worst scenario. At the very least, making a business continuity plan will help you see areas of your business operation where you can make improvements to reduce the likely hood of unforeseen circumstances that could compromise or harm your business. It’s a chance to streamline existing business operations and place any necessary safeguards to protect your future business interests.
Read MoreA Comprehensive Guide To Business Continuity Planning
Having your business ready with continuity or business plans in the event of an emergency is imperative for your overall survival. There’s no single approach that fits all situations, but these three questions you can ask yourself, will help cover you for most eventualities you’re likely to encounter: What could go wrong? Your risk assessment Disasters and emergencies can occur in many ways, from bush fires and arson attacks, floods, cyclones, earthquakes and tidal waves to simple power outages, network disruptions, computer viruses to burglary or sickness of key employees. It’s important to have a proper plan to deal with all these: • Is your building fireproof? • Are you vulnerable to a bushfire? • Do you have adequate fire prevention equipment and training for your staff? • Are you exposed to high tides or flooding? • Are you affected by cyclones or tornados? If something goes wrong, how will your business be affected? Having a plan in the event of natural disasters will help you cope with them and resume business afterward, should they arise. Do you have adequate backup plans and insurance cover? Will your business survive a natural or economic disaster? What will you do to ensure your business continuity during the following risks? • Economic Risk With today’s constantly changing economy, it’ important you operate your business with as lean a budget as possible and reduce your overheads so you can cope with changing economic cycles • Compliance Risks There are many rules and regulations that you will need to comply with and they’re constantly being changed and added to, so you need to stay up to date and be 100% compliant or risk heavy fines or closure • Diversify Your Income Streams With only a few income streams your financial risk is high, if you lose one or more contracts or some of the products you sell are no longer in demand • Security and Fraud Risk Being online can place the unwary in the path of cyber criminals especially when you shared data and financial details. This can lose your company’s reputation and trust as well as make you financially liable for losses • Financial Risk All business involves some type of financial risk, the higher the profits, often, the higher the risks involved. Minimize the credit you extend to others and the amount you own so your stronger financial position • Reputation Risk In business, you’re putting your reputation on the line, product failure or unhappy customers can impact on your business, brand or reputation, so you need to always provide quality service and products and stand by them to address concerns and reduce negativity quickly and in a positive “can do” fashion • Operational Risks Business continuity can be lost from external or internal sources as well as a combination of different factors. Whether it’s a possible process or people failure, these potential risks need to be addressed with adequate training and a proper business plan installed In the event of a disaster, whether natural or caused by financial situations, product failures or a downturn in the economy you need to take measures to ensure business continuity after the event and your continued survival. Making a proper business plan that covers any foreseeable circumstances is vital for all businesses with today’s erratic economy and uncertainty with viruses.
Read MoreImproving Productivity In The Workplace – The Ultimate 8 Step Guide
What does a productive day look like? Maintaining a routine and planning ahead will save you time and help manage stress. • Despite common belief, multi-tasking is not a more efficient way to work. Pick one task and work until it is completed then move on to the next item on your agenda. This will help you focus better and keep the quality of your work high. • Take regular breaks, stand up stretch, go make a cup of tea or step outside for some fresh air this will clear your mind and help you re-energize and focus. • Use time management software to help you stay on track. • Expect the unexpected. Despite the most diligent planning, there will always be unexpected tasks that crop up. The key is to be able to know how to prioritize your tasks well and be able to go with the flow. SCHEDULING AND TO-DO LISTS FIGURING OUT HOW TO FIT YOUR WORK IN AROUND MEETINGS, PHONE CALLS AND CONSTANT INTERRUPTIONS CAN SEEM LIKE MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. • Stay focused on one thing at a time • Tackle the biggest task first • Clear your emails at least once per day PROJECT AND TEAM MANAGEMENT • Make the brief clear • Keep meeting short and to the point • Have a daily team check-in • Evaluate your progress INCLUDE DEEP WORK TIME IN YOUR DAY • Make time to hyper-focus • Embrace boredom • Focus on the important stuff MAINTAIN A WORK/LIFE BALANCE BOOK IN DOWNTIME • Get active • Get enough sleep • Find your zen – try meditation or yoga • Utilize Visualization and mood boards IMPLEMENT SOFTWARE TO HELP YOU WORK MORE EFFICIENTLY • Launch apps on startup • Create templates for as many tasks as possible • Utilize tools like grammar checkers and email plugins to help you work smarter not harder. HARDWARE TIPS AND TRICKS • Add a second monitor • Get a headset • Get a good quality mouse and mousepad WORKFLOW AND BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT • Organize your data • Train your staff • Whenever possible automate • Regularly review and improve your processes For a more in-depth info download our Ultimate 8 step productivity guide here
Read MoreUsing Live Chat To Build Customer Engagement
Live chat is a great technology to increase your customer engagement, stay competitive in your niche, and convert those who’re interested in your product/service into buyers. Here are a few statistics to back it up: • 68 percent of website visitors will use the live chat feature and 63 percent of them return to websites that are offering live chat for a repeat purchase. • 38 percent of all online visitors will complete a purchase during a live chat • A live chat feature has been found to increase a website’s conversions by more than 20 percent If you haven’t added a live chat feature to your website, you’re missing out on all the positive benefits. Engage your audience! While this may seem like a complicated way to work towards improving conversions it is easy and effective. Below we go through a few of the benefits a chat service can bring to your site BE AVAILABLE AROUND THE CLOCK 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday doesn’t cut it online. Customers shop around the clock and expect their customer service to be available anytime. If you don’t have in-house staff to handle the chat outside business hours, you can hire virtual assistants to assist customers 24/7. TIME INITIATING THE CHAT RIGHT There will be several types of visitors on your site. Some will be taking their time making up their mind on purchase, some just browsing and some who know exactly what they want. It is a good idea to use software with tracking features to understand your visitors’ movements better and learn how to target the right visitors, especially on pages you have targeted call to actions. GET REAL Customers don’t want to feel like their talking to a robot. Train your staff to personalize their chats, call the customer by name. This is possible after prompting the customer to provide name, email and contact number. ADDRESS YOUR CUSTOMERS PROBLEMS Sometimes it can work in your favor to swallow the loss if live chat agents are addressing a customer’s pain point in return. This strategy, apart from increasing live chat conversions, has the potential to bring in recurring business and build customer loyalty. OFFER/SUGGEST SOMETHING VALUABLE Most live chat software features include loads of information on the visitor, which can in turn be used to provide valuable customer service. By going through a customer’s chat history and information, live chat agents can provide them with valuable suggestions. For example, if a customer shows dissatisfaction towards a product design, the support representative should take a minute to see whether an alternate item with a different design, but same features is available. If the option is available, it can be suggested to build valuable leads. UPSELL, UPSELL, UPSELL After you demonstrate value and make the case for a higher level of customer service, you can try increasing conversions by upselling. Once the agent has engaged visitors by understanding their needs, they are in a better position to recommend upgrades, add-ons, etc. Internet Retailer revealed that Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd. uses live chat to achieve conversion rates as high as 23 percent. Customers that used their live chat converted a rate 3.5 times higher than the customers who didn’t engage the chat feature. The interesting fact is that the UK-based airlines don’t use their live chat to push airline ticket sales but as an opportunity to upsell. Their customers are already in the decision-making phase when purchasing their tickets online and upgrading their purchase to include priority seating, personalized meals, etc is easier. This increases overall averages of sale value and total sale revenue. TAKE CUSTOMERS WHERE THEY NEED TO BE A number of live chat agents overlook the fact that their visitors may not know where to go on a website. For example, they may want to look at the faq page before completing their order but don’t really know how to find it. As a result, your chat agents can make things easy for them by sending the links which redirect them to their webpage of choice, and that’s how you facilitate actions that lead to conversions
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